Welcome to The Ambika High School

Let's be introduced to the legendary shree Ambika Gram Kelavani Mandal (Education Society) Gadat. The roots of which had been planted by a legendary group of far-sighted farmers and donners 1945 to provide sound and inexpensive education to the rural children around Gandevi Taluka.Dist : Navsari , Gujarat.

  • Our Mission

    To prepare all students to succeed in an ever-changing world through comprehensive programs and experiences in collaboration with family and community..     Read More

  • Our Vision

    To expand higher secondary educational facilities in science stream.To start a self-finance primary and secondary school in English medium at the lowest possible cost.   Read More

What's New

  • We hearty invite you all for the Annual function on 21-12-2014, Sunday at 1:30. After cultural program fun fair and musical evening is also organised..Please do come with friends and family. This is an open event for all.

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    Shree Ambika Gram Kelavani Mandal, Gadat has laid its foundation to fulfil the following objectives.

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    To spread and advance the cause of general education by making such education available at the lowest possible cost.

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    To establish school with library, Laboratories and other educational facilities.

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    To raise funds to be utilized to awake literary awareness for the spread of education.

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    To expand its educational activities progressively.

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    To awake cent percent literary awareness in rural areas.